Mental Health Support Team
The MHST (Mental Health Support Team) is a service that offers early intervention support. They visit all mainstream schools and colleges across the Wakefield District to promote positive emotional wellbeing.
Each mainstream school and college has a Senior Practitioner from our team linked to it. The Senior Practitioner makes plans and delivers different sessions and training in schools to improve emotional wellbeing for children and young people.
Support is offered in lots of different ways, this can include;
- One to one work or group work
- Consultations with parents or carers
- Assemblies or classroom sessions
- Staff training and support
- Parent/Carer information sessions
If school feels that any child would benefit from this type of emotional wellbeing support, then a member of staff from school will talk to you about this and they will make a referral to the MHST team. Consultation support is offered to school to think about what support is going to be best.
Our Senior Practitioner is: Laura Russell
Wakefield Future in Mind MHST Newsletters