Federation of Crigglestone and The Castle Nursery Schools

Federation of Crigglestone and The Castle Nursery Schools

Nurturing Children's Natural Curiosity

Safeguarding & Operation Encompass



Our Designated Safeguarding Lead Team are:

Crigglestone and The Castle Nursery Schools are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Robust pre-employment checks prior to appointment are carried out, to ensure that all safeguarding checks and procedures are met. 


If you have any concerns about a child or family, please speak to one of the above staff members, at your child's school. They can be contacted via the main school offices, (01924) 251151 - Crigglestone & (01924) 664787 - The Castle or by email, to: headteacher@crigglestonecastle.wakefield.sch.uk (Please label the subject: FAO: DSL/Safeguarding Concern). You can also contact Social Care Direct. Any information you give will be treated with confidentiality. 


Social Care Direct are open 24 hours, 7 days a week. 
Telephone 0845 8 503 503.


The school Designated Senior Leads for safeguarding are fully trained by Wakefield Local Authority. 


The school accesses further safeguarding training for all staff throughout the school year through. Key information and training is available from the Wakefield Safeguarding Children Partnership (WSCP) website.  The WSCP is the key statutory mechanism for agreeing how the relevant children’s organisations in Wakefield co-operate to safeguard and promote the well-being of children and young people and to ensure the effectiveness of the work they carry out.




Our Federation Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy is below:



Operation Encompass