Federation of Crigglestone and The Castle Nursery Schools

Federation of Crigglestone and The Castle Nursery Schools

Nurturing Children's Natural Curiosity

TAS (Team Around Schools)

The TAS (Team Around Schools) process is part of Wakefield Families Together.


The ‘Team Around’ approach brings together a team of professionals that will work together with you to identify and offer early help and support.


In Wakefield there are six community cluster areas. There are two ‘Team Around’ offers – the Team Around Early Years (TAEY) and the Team Around the School (TAS). As our Nursery Schools are maintained schools, we follow the TAS process.



Team Around Schools

The Team Around the School (TAS) can support with concerns on behaviour, school attendance, or emotional health and wellbeing.


Families working with the TAS team have access to support from:

Schools Lead
Education Improvement Teacher (Secondary Schools)
Inclusion & SEND Advisory Teacher (Primary Schools)
Family and Youth Hub Coordinator and Family and Youth Hub Link Worker
Future in Mind partnership
Primary Intervention Practitioners (CAMHS)
Community Navigators (Young Lives)
0 – 19 Health Service (including School Nursing)

Wakefield Families Together have brought parents and professionals together to talk about how the Team around the School works.  The film highlights how a family focused approach and early help can support families, children and young people.

How does it work?

So when a concern has been raised, either by you as a parent/carer or one of the ‘Team Around’ professionals, a request for support can be made with your agreement so that a TAS meeting can take place.


Your request for support would then be reviewed at one of the regular meetings each ‘Team Around’ has in every cluster area.


This would involve detailed discussion of the concern, and drawing on their joint knowledge and understanding the Team would make a recommendation of the best package of support to offer, by which service.


Sometimes this might mean professionals from other services are invited or consulted, if it is felt they could contribute to a support plan for your child or family.


This support plan would then be fed back to you, and the service who have been identified as responsible for leading on support would get in touch to agree the plan, discuss timescales, and start date.

For more information about TAS, please see the Parent and Carer information leaflets below: