Federation of Crigglestone and The Castle Nursery Schools

Federation of Crigglestone and The Castle Nursery Schools

Nurturing Children's Natural Curiosity

The Castle Nursery

The Castle Nursery School is a happy, friendly, inclusive and welcoming place for all children to play, learn and develop their independence. Highly experienced staff use their knowledge of the early year’s curriculum and the needs and interests of the children to provide a high quality and inviting learning environment. Both the indoor and outdoor environments are extensive, inviting and offer challenge with open-ended high quality resources.


We recognise the importance of play as a vehicle for learning and provide opportunities for children to become deeply involved as they take things they already know and combine them in new ways to deepen their understanding. As they play alongside their key person and peers, children immerse themselves in what most interests them, and in the process find out about themselves, other people, and the world around them. Play is open-ended and flexible, which means children can explore and experiment with confidence, take risks and challenge themselves at the limits of their capabilities, without fear of failure.


Here at the Castle we hold the child at the centre of our practice and employ a key person system to enable strong bonds to be created between the staff, children and their families. This enables us to nurture positive relationships that in turn encourages children to feel, safe, secure and valued so they are ready to engage and learn.




Here is a little look at our Curiosity Approach learning environment in the Nursery Room:



Look at our lovely outdoor area . . .


*Children are eligible to start Nursery in the term following their 3rd birthday. *


*We offer 15 hours universal early years provision *


*We also provide 30 hours early years provision during school term times, for eligible children *


* Fee paying sessions are available subject to availability *


* Breakfast Club may be available on request *




If you would like to apply for a Nursery place, please contact school:

Telephone: 01924 251151 or Emailcastleadmin@crigglestonecastle.wakefield.sch.uk


You can also fill in an Application Form and email / post to school. Please find the form below: