Federation of Crigglestone and The Castle Nursery Schools

Federation of Crigglestone and The Castle Nursery Schools

Nurturing Children's Natural Curiosity


Our Governors have an important role for both our schools. They are responsible for overseeing the management side of the schools: strategy, policy, budgeting and staffing. They enable the schools to run as effectively as possible, working alongside senior leaders and supporting teachers to provide excellent education to children.


The purpose of the Governing Body is to:
•Help the school to set high standards by planning for the schools future, and setting targets for school improvements.
•To be a critical friend to the school, in good and bad times, offering the school its support and advice.
•To help the school to be responsive to the needs of parents and community and make the school more accountable to the public for what it does.



Our Federation Chair of Governors is Matt Jackson. If you need to make contact with him, you can do this via either of the school offices.


Crigglestone: (01924) 251151  or The Castle: (01924) 664787

Our Governors

Business Interests

Governors Meeting Attendance

 Governors Attendance 2022-2023.pdfDownload
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 Governing Body Minutes

 GB Minutes 10 October 2022.docxDownload
 GB Minutes 11 July 2022.docxDownload
 GB Minutes 11 October 2021.docxDownload
 GB Minutes 15 November 2021.docxDownload
 GB Minutes 16 February 2022.docxDownload
 GB Minutes 18 May 2022.docxDownload
 GB Minutes 4 April 2022.docxDownload
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NGA Model Code of Conduct for Governors

 NGA Governors Model Code of Conduct 2022.docxDownload
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